Amy Ray BattlesThe Battles surname is found in several branches of the Ray Family Tree. I offer these tidbits for you to savor! Amy Ray Battles is the daughter of Nathaniel Ray Jr. Nathaniel died ca 1823 in Allen County, Kentucky and his deed transfer identifies James Battles as an heir. Amy is not named in that document, so one might guess that she is already dead. The Battles surname also apprears in Nathaniel's son, Eaton Ray's family. AMY RAY BATTLES - b: ? d: prior to 1823 ? m: James ? Battles. Marie Battle Holt writes to me that William Battle and James Battle witnessed a deed to Eaton Ray on 27 Nov. 1823. She believes that this was William Battle Sr and that James Battle was his son and that Eaton Ray was his son - in - law. James Battles is named in the deed transfer of Nathaniel Ray, dated 20 August 1823. Write to Mrs Holt at 4712 Deville Dr. Fort Worth, Texas 76180. |