Cook Tax List Jackson Purchase Area, Kentucky

Caldwell Co, KY  (formed from Livingston Co. in 1809 & until 1820 a portion was to become Trigg and Christian Counties)

Cook, James  Flim's Ck.
Cook, Matthias
Cook, John  Eddy Ck.

Calloway Co, KY

Cook, Jeremiah  1 (white males over 21)  0 (horses & mares)

Cook, Jeremiah 1 - white males over 21; 0 horses & mares

Calloway Co, KY Deed information
Cook, Robert  3 Dec. 1832 deed information - Book 5, page 16

Christain Co, KY taxlist

Silas Cook
John Cook

Robert Cook

Silas Cook
John Cook

James Cook
John Cook
Reuben Cook
Silas Cook

James Cook
John Cook
Reuben Cook
Silas Cook

Reuben Cook
James Cook

Reuben Cook
James Cook

Reuben Cook
James Cook

Reuben Cook
James Cook

James Cook

Reuben Cook Sr.
Reuben Cook Jr.
James Cook
David Cook
Elijah Cook

James Cook
John Cook

David Cook
Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook
James Cook
Johnson Cook

Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook
David Cook
Johnson Cook

James Cook
Joseph Cook
David Cook
Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook Jr.
Henry Cook
Reuben Cook
Johnson Cook
James Cook

James Cook
Reuben Cook
James Cook
Reuben Cook Sr.
Reuben Cook Jr.
Johnson Cook

Thomas Cook
Johnson Cook
Henry Cook
Reuben Cook
Allen Cook
Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook
James Cook

Reuben Cook Sr.
Samuel Cook
Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook
Allen Cook
 Henry Cook
James Cook
John Cook

Allen Cook
Reuben Cook
John Cook
Reuben Cook Sr.
Reuben Cook Jr.
Reuben Cook
James Cook
Henry Cook

Reuben Cook
James Cook
Allen Cook
Henry Cook
Reuben Cook Sr.
Frederick Cook
Reuben Cook
Johnson Cook

James Cook
Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook
Reuben Cook
Allen Cook
James Cook
Augustus Cook

Provided by :  Mamie Tate

from: "Jackson Purchase Tax Lists 1822 - 1823 - 1824" & "Graves County, Kentucky 1824 - 1833"

Graves County, KY

name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, John   1 - 0 - 1 - 3
Cook, Wm.    1 - 0 - 0 - 5

Cook, Wm.        1 white male over 21;  3 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis      1 white male over 21; 2 horses & mares

name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, Joseph    1 - 0 - 1 - 4
Cook, John        1 - 1 - 2 - 3

name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, John        1 - 1 - 1 - 4
Cook, Wm.         1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis       1 white male over 21; 2 horses & mares
Cook, Joseph   1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares

name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, Wm.    2 white males over 21; 4 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis  1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares
Cook, John     1 - 2 - 5 - 3 160 acres, Tarpin Cr.
Cook, Joseph 1 white males over 21, 4 horses & mares; 240 acres; Bayou de Chien
Cook, James   1 white male over 21, 3 horses & mares
Cook, Wm.  1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 4 children 5 thru 14 years old
Cook, Hudson  1 white male over 21; 0 horses & mares
Cook, James  1 white male over 21; 0 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis    1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 1 child 5 thru 14 years old
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses & mares - children 5 thru 14 - acres - watercourse - county
Cook, John      1 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 160 acrs - Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Joseph  1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares; 4 children 5 thru 14; 240 acres; Bayou de Chien

name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses & mares - acres - watercourse
Cook, John  1 - 2 - 8 - 3 - 160 acres - Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Wm.  1 white male over 21; 5 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 5 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson 1 white male over 21; 5 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Joseph  1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 400 acres; Bayou de Chien
Cook, James   1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare

Cook, Wm. S. 1 white male over 21; 2 horses & mares; 480 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, James   1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson  1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses & mares - acres - watercourse
Cook, Margaret  0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 137 1/2 acres - Tarapen Cr.
adm. John Cook, dec.
Cook, Wm. Jr.  1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare

Cook, Lewis  1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Wm. 3 white males over 21; 6 horses & mares; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson 1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses & mares - acres - watercourse
Cook, Margaret 0 - 2 - 9 - 5 - 720 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, John 1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare
Cook, John 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 320 acres; Brush Cr.
Cook, James 0 white males over 21; 0 horses; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.

name - white males over 21 - black over 16 - total blacks - horses - acres - watercourse
Cook, William; 1, - , - ,  3 horses; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, James;   1, - , - , 2 horses; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Lewis;  1, - , - , 3 horses; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson; 1, - , - , 2 horse; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, William F.; 1, - , - , 2 horses
Cook, John;  1, - , - , 1 horse; 320 acres; Brush

name - whiles males over 21, blacks over 16, total blacks, horses, acres, watercourse
Cook, John ; 1, - , - , 1 horse; 160 acres; Mayfield Cr.
Cook, Hudson; 1, - , - , 2 horses; 160 acres Tarapin Cr.
Cook, William Sr; 1, - , - , 1 horse; 320 acres Tarapin Cr.
Cook, William Jr; 1, - , - , 3 horses
Cook, James; 1, - , - , 1 horse; 160 acres, Tarapin Cr.
Cook, Lewis; 1, - , - , 4 horses; 320 acres, Tarapin Cr.
    do                   100 acres         do

name - whiles males over 21, blacks over 16, total blacks, horses, acres, watercourse
Cook, William L. 1, - , - , 1 horse, 160 acres Tarapin
do     320 acres  do
Cook, William 1, - , - , 3 horses, 320 acres do
Cook, James, 1, - , - , 2 horses, 160 acres do
Cook, Hudson, 1, - , - , 3 horses, 160 acres do
Cook, Samuel, 1, - , - , 4 horses, 400 acres do
same agt for A. Cook  160 acres do

name - whiles males over 21, blacks over 16, total blacks, horses, acres, watercourse
Cook, William 1, - , - , 1 horse
Cook, Margaret, - , 3, 12, 7 horses, 400 acres Tarapin
Cook, William D.                                 640 acres do
Cook, James, 1, - , - , 2 horses, 160 acres Tarapin Cr.
Cook, William, 1, - , - , 3 horses, 200 acres do
Cook, Leroy, 1, - , - , 3 horses, 400 acres do
Cook, Hudson, 1, - , - , 3 horses, 160 acres do
Cook, John 1, - , - , 2 horses, 640 acres, Brush Cr.

name - whiles males over 21, blacks over 16, total blacks, horses, acres, watercourse
Cook, Margaret, - , 3, 12, 1 horse, 400 acres Tarapin Cr.
Cook, Hudson, 1, - , - , 3 horses, 160 acres
Cook, Lewis, 1, - , - , 5 horses, 300 acres
Cook, William 1, - , - , 4 horses, 400 acres
Cook, William Jr., 1, - , - , 2 horses
Cook, James 1, - , - , 2 horses, 160 acres, Tarapin Cr.
Cook, William  1280 acres

name - acres - value
Cook, John  640 acres, $1280, 1 - 0 - 0 - 4
Cook, John W.  1 - 0 - 0 - 0
Cook, Margaret 400 acres, Graves, Tarapen, $700; 0 - 3 - 14 - 2
Cook, W. D.  800 acres $1200; 0 - 0 - 0 - 0
Cook, James  160 acres, $200; 1 - 0 - 0 - 0
Cook, Lewis  370 acres, $650; 1 - 0 - 0 - 2
Cook, Wm., Sr. 200 acres, $300; 1 - 0 - 0 - 0
Cook, Hudson  160 acres, $225; 1 - 0 - 0 - 2
Cook, Wm. Jr.  1 - 0 - 0 - 1

name - acreage - watercourse - town lots - horses - Jennies - cattle - white males - slaves - children 5 to 16 - misc
Cook, John, 640 acres 4 horses - 10 cattle - 1 white male over 21 - 5 children
Cook, W. D., 800 acres, Tarapin Cr.
Cook, John W, 320 acres, Tarapin Cr., 1horse, 1 jennie , - 1 white male over 21
Cook, James, 200 acres, 3 horses, 1 white male over 21, 1 child 5 to 16
Cook, Lewis, 300 acres, 5 horses, 1 white male over 21 2 children 5 to 16
Cook, Margaret, 880 acres, Tarapin Cr., 2 horse, 1 Jennie, 10 cattle, 15 slaves, 1 child 5 to 16
Cook, Hudson, 160 acres, Tarapin Cr., 3 horses, 1 white male over 21, 5 children 5 to 16

name - acreage - watercourse - town lots - horses - mules - cattle - white males - slaves - children 7 to 17 - misc
Cook, E. R., 5 horses, 1 cattle, 1 white male over 21,
Cook, Eli 2 horses, 1 white male over 21, 4 children
Cook, George W., 1 horse
Cook, Hudson, 160 acres Tarapin Cr., 3 horses, 7 cattle, 1 white male over 21, 4 children
Cook, John W., 320 acres, Tarapin Cr. 2 horse, 1 mule, 8 cattle, 1 white male over 21
Cook, J. B., 1 horse, 1 white male over 21
Cook, Lewis, 420 acres, Tarapin Cr. 7 horses, 9 cattle 1 white male over 21, 3 children
Cook, Margaret, 400 acres Tarapin Cr., 7 horse, 5 cattle, 1 white male over 21, 3 children
Cook, Margaret, 320 acres Brush Cr
Cook, William, 200 acres, 3 horses, 7 cattle, 1 white male over 21, 1 child
Cook, W. D., 640 acres, Tarapin + lot   store
do       do  160 acres Brush Cr.
Cook, James, 160 acres, Tarapin Cr. 1 horse, 6 cattle, 1 white male over 21, 1 child


from: "Jackson Purchase Tax Lists 1822 - 1823 - 1824"
"Graves County Tax Lists 1834 - 35 - 37"
"Graves County Tax Lists 1839 - 1840"
"Graves County Tax Lists 1844 - 1845"

Hickman County, KY

name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, Wm. B. 1 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 0  Gallatin 146 acres
Cook, Wm.      1 - 3 - 0 - 0 - 0
Cook, Wm.      2 - 3 - 0 - 0 - 5
Cook, John      1 - 3 - 0 - 0 - 4
Cook, Jeremiah 1 - 5 - 0 - 0 - 1

name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses
Cook, Wm. B. 1 - 1 - 1 - 2
Cook, Wm.      1 - 0 - 0 - 3 
Cook, John      1 - 0 - 0 - 4
Cook, Wm.      1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 5

name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses
Cook, Wm. B.  1 - 1 - 1 - 2
Cook, Wm        1 - 0 - 0 - 0
Campbell, Duncan 1 - 0 - 0 - 3 (named in will of James Cook , Caldwell Co, KY)

Livingston Co, KY

Cook, Robert   1 slave, 1 horse, 200 acres on Flims Fk.  (over 21 years old)
Cook, Matthias  1 horse

Cook, Matthias  1 horse

Cook, Robert  2 blacks  400 acres on Flims Fk. T. W.
Cook, Matthias  3 horses 400 acres on Flims Fk.
Cook, Rueben  1 horse

from: "Jackson Purchase Tax Lists 1822 - 1823 - 1824"

McCracken Co, KY

name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks - horses
Cook, Jeremiah   1 - 0 - 0 - 1


Dad's Cook Family
Jefferson Davis Cook
David Iley Cook
William Cook
Jasper Marvin Cook
Emma Cook Ray Mann
Datha Cook Ely
Hazel Cook Hall Schmidt
Haskel Cook
Billie Jean Cook Bagi
Betty Jo Cook Lesko

Main Kentucky Page
Cook DNA
  • A662159 (Aunt Dot)
  • A946497 (Brian)
  • A126031 (Cousin Sharon)
  • Coming Soon: Phil Bagi