name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 -
total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, John 1 - 0 - 1 - 3
Cook, Wm. 1 - 0 - 0 - 5
Cook, Wm. 1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 2 horses & mares
name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over
16 - total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, Joseph 1 - 0 - 1 - 4
Cook, John 1 - 1 - 2 - 3
name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 -
total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, John 1 - 1 - 1 - 4
Cook, Wm. 1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 2 horses & mares
Cook, Joseph 1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares
name - white males over 21 - children 4 to 14 - blacks over 16 -
total blacks - horses - county - acres
Cook, Wm. 2 white males over 21; 4 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares
Cook, John 1 - 2 - 5 - 3 160 acres, Tarpin Cr.
Cook, Joseph 1 white males over 21, 4 horses & mares; 240 acres; Bayou de Chien
Cook, James 1 white male over 21, 3 horses & mares
Cook, Wm. 1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 4 children 5 thru 14 years
Cook, Hudson 1 white male over 21; 0 horses & mares
Cook, James 1 white male over 21; 0 horses & mares
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 1 child 5 thru 14 years
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks -
horses & mares - children 5 thru 14 - acres - watercourse - county
Cook, John 1 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 7 - 160 acrs - Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Joseph 1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares; 4 children 5 thru 14; 240
acres; Bayou de Chien
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks -
horses & mares - acres - watercourse
Cook, John 1 - 2 - 8 - 3 - 160 acres - Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Wm. 1 white male over 21; 5 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 5 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson 1 white male over 21; 5 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Joseph 1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 400 acres; Bayou de Chien
Cook, James 1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare
Cook, Wm. S. 1 white male over 21; 2 horses & mares; 480 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, James 1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson 1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks -
horses & mares - acres - watercourse
Cook, Margaret 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 137 1/2 acres - Tarapen Cr.
adm. John Cook, dec.
Cook, Wm. Jr. 1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare
Cook, Lewis 1 white male over 21; 4 horses & mares; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Wm. 3 white males over 21; 6 horses & mares; 320 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, Hudson 1 white male over 21; 3 horses & mares; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
name - white males over 21 - blacks over 16 - total blacks -
horses & mares - acres - watercourse
Cook, Margaret 0 - 2 - 9 - 5 - 720 acres; Tarapen Cr.
Cook, John 1 white male over 21; 1 horse or mare
Cook, John 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 320 acres; Brush Cr.
Cook, James 0 white males over 21; 0 horses; 160 acres; Tarapen Cr.
name - acreage - watercourse - town lots - horses - Jennies -
cattle - white males - slaves - children 5 to 16 - misc
Cook, John, 640 acres 4 horses - 10 cattle - 1 white male over
21 - 5 children
Cook, W. D., 800 acres, Tarapin Cr.
Cook, John W, 320 acres, Tarapin Cr., 1horse, 1 jennie , - 1
white male over 21
Cook, James, 200 acres, 3 horses, 1 white male over 21, 1 child
5 to 16
Cook, Lewis, 300 acres, 5 horses, 1 white male over 21 2
children 5 to 16
Cook, Margaret, 880 acres, Tarapin Cr., 2 horse, 1 Jennie, 10
cattle, 15 slaves, 1 child 5 to 16
Cook, Hudson, 160 acres, Tarapin Cr., 3 horses, 1 white male
over 21, 5 children 5 to 16
name - acreage - watercourse - town lots - horses - mules -
cattle - white males - slaves - children 7 to 17 - misc
Cook, E. R., 5 horses, 1 cattle, 1 white male over 21,
Cook, Eli 2 horses, 1 white male over 21, 4 children
Cook, George W., 1 horse
Cook, Hudson, 160 acres Tarapin Cr., 3 horses, 7 cattle, 1 white
male over 21, 4 children
Cook, John W., 320 acres, Tarapin Cr. 2 horse, 1 mule, 8 cattle,
1 white male over 21
Cook, J. B., 1 horse, 1 white male over 21
Cook, Lewis, 420 acres, Tarapin Cr. 7 horses, 9 cattle 1 white
male over 21, 3 children
Cook, Margaret, 400 acres Tarapin Cr., 7 horse, 5 cattle, 1
white male over 21, 3 children
Cook, Margaret, 320 acres Brush Cr
Cook, William, 200 acres, 3 horses, 7 cattle, 1 white male over
21, 1 child
Cook, W. D., 640 acres, Tarapin + lot store
do do 160 acres Brush Cr.
Cook, James, 160 acres, Tarapin Cr. 1 horse, 6 cattle, 1 white
male over 21, 1 child
These pages are being republished and updated as
time allows from my other websites - if there are broken links, please let me know.
I'm not an expert, but I have a lot to share. Source information is provided as much as possible, but please do your own research and confirm information found here. And finally enjoy! If you find these to be helpful in your research, consider a donation to your favorite historical society. One of my favorites is located in Saunders County, Nebraska.