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Letter from Peter Evans Force to Uncle Manning Force

Gadsden, Alabama
May 23, 1885

My dear Uncle,

I was glad to hear from you and you told me some intersting things about the Indians. Mr. Burns is an old gentle and has lived here ever since the indians left. He can't walk out but he can stand on teh back porch and show me where there were several Indian houses stood and out in the backyard about ten steps from the house there is a large pear tree and Mr. Burns says that one of his sons stuck a swich in the top of an old Indian ash heap but his son didn't live to see it a large tree for he was killed at Shiloh. At the mouth of a branch in the river field is where Jackson crossed fighting the indians. He has got an indian canoe about sixty feet long that he uses for a feed trought which goes the whole length of the barn.

Last Wednesday I measured 5 feet 11 inches. Aunt Sallie was at mothers before Christmas and she was very proud to see me and wanted me to go home and stay a while with her but I couldn't have conveniently but I hope to go this summer. It is only three quarters of a mile to mothers and I can go over there most any time and have to go by there to go to church. I have not seen them since Sunday but I know that they will all join in sending love.

Your affectionate Nephew

Peter E. Force

Translation notes:

Peter Evans Force (1868-1930) is the author of this document. At this point, he has returned to live in Alabama near his mother and her 2nd husband, Peter's step father, Willam Martin. Aunt Sallie (Wiggins) is sister to Peter's mother Katherine Ogie Frierson Force Martin. The Wiggins family rents the farm that Peter's father, Henry Clay Force, owned.



Frierson Family
Katherine Ogie Frierson Martin
Samuel Gordon Frierson
Elias Curran Frierson
William Frierson Jr
William Frierson Sr

Samuel Frierson and Sarah Wilson
James M. Frierson
Sarah Frances Frierson Wiggins

Frierson / Force
Henry Clay Force, 1st husband
Ella Force Barnett
Peter Evans Force

Harding / McCauley / Gordon
Frances Harding Frierson
Moses Gordon
Roger Gordon
Capt John McCauley
Letters - Manning Force
President Hayes Library Manuscript Collection
22 September 1871
30 April 1874
26 Dec 1877
Sept 1878
30 July 1879
13 Nov 1879
2 Jan 1881

12 Feb 1885
16 Jan 1881
27 Feb 1881
2 May 1881
25 June 1881

19 Dec 1882
23 May 1885
17 Jan 1886

August 23
Nov 29
Dec 12

DNA - Gedmatch
  • T722133 and A352350 (quilterpatray)
  • T356644 (KS)
  • T030500 (brother Mike)
  • T555095 (sister Brenda)
  • T619264 (brother David)
  • A588813 (sister Carol)
  • A823899 (Auntie E)
  • T224209 (Cousin Tom) also completed Y-DNA with familytreedna
  • A676128 (Cousin Sandra)
  • A327125 (Cousin Candy)
  • Coming soon: Barbara