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Letter From William Q. Force to Manning Force

1208 K St.
Washington D.C.
Nov. 13, 1879

My dear Brother,

I write a line only to say that Peter received a letter from his mother today, in which she says she was married about a month ago to a Mr. Martin, who lives in the Tennessee Valley, "a good farmer and splendid mechanic". She has leased her farm to a Mr. Wiggins for five years, and will write again when she gets to her new home. She says she likes the two children and will help to raise & educate them, & that she could not make a living nor educate them at her own farm.

Your aff. brother
Wm Q Force

Translation notes:

Peter Evans Force (1868-1930) was the oldest son of Manning Force's brother, Henry Clay Force, 1832-1874. Katherine Ogie Frierson Force Martin, was Peter's mother. Peter moved to Washington D. C. to be raised by his Uncle William Q. Force after his father died in 1874. Katherine's 2nd husband was Willam Martin who moved Katherine and her children to Etowah County, Alabama after they married. Mr. Wiggins was Katherine's brother-in-law who married her sister Sarah Frances Frierson Wiggins.


Frierson Family
Katherine Ogie Frierson Martin
Samuel Gordon Frierson
Elias Curran Frierson
William Frierson Jr
William Frierson Sr

Samuel Frierson and Sarah Wilson
James M. Frierson
Sarah Frances Frierson Wiggins

Frierson / Force
Henry Clay Force, 1st husband
Ella Force Barnett
Peter Evans Force

Harding / McCauley / Gordon
Frances Harding Frierson
Moses Gordon
Roger Gordon
Capt John McCauley
Letters - Manning Force
President Hayes Library Manuscript Collection
22 September 1871
30 April 1874
26 Dec 1877
Sept 1878
30 July 1879
13 Nov 1879
2 Jan 1881

12 Feb 1885
16 Jan 1881
27 Feb 1881
2 May 1881
25 June 1881

19 Dec 1882
23 May 1885
17 Jan 1886

August 23
Nov 29
Dec 12

DNA - Gedmatch
  • T722133 and A352350 (quilterpatray)
  • T356644 (KS)
  • T030500 (brother Mike)
  • T555095 (sister Brenda)
  • T619264 (brother David)
  • A588813 (sister Carol)
  • A823899 (Auntie E)
  • T224209 (Cousin Tom) also completed Y-DNA with familytreedna
  • A676128 (Cousin Sandra)
  • A327125 (Cousin Candy)
  • Coming soon: Barbara